E-safety: Protecting your child online


Explore together

Talk to your child about the internet and explore together, so you can show them all the great fun educational things they can do.


Put yourself in control

Install parent control on your home broadband. Most internet-enabled devices also allow you to set parental controls so you can manage what content your child can see and how they interact with others online.


Use passwords

Keep your devices out of reach and set passwords on all your internet-enabled devices and don’t share them. Then you’ll know when and where your child is accessing the internet. You can also make sure they’re not making additional purchases when they’re playing games or using apps.


Search safety

Use safe search engines such as Swiggle - you can save time by adding these on your favourites. Safe search setting can also be activated on Google and other search engines, as well as YouTube, and other additional games they may play online.


Be involved

Encourage them to use devices in a communal area like the lounge or kitchen so you can keep an eye on how they are using the internet and also share in their enjoyment.


Manage access

Set your homepage to a child-friendly site like CBeebies and create a user account for your child on the family computer or device which only allows access to sites you’ve chosen.

Useful Resources

The following websites provide information for parents and children on how to stay safe online and how to report concerns. The Internet Watch Foundation also allows parents to report illegal or concerning websites.