Safeguarding Children

Hello, Danielle and Ben are the lead child protection officers. We all have a duty of care to protect those around us, staff parents and children. I am extremely passionate about ensuring the safety, well-being and care of the children and families that attend the setting.
We work closely with all my staff with any concerns they may have with regards to any staff, parents, or children. I work closely with outside professionals in order to ensure the safety of the children in our care and those under the social team.

Ben T

We are open and honest with our families and offer a full range of support and guidance for the whole family, we support with meetings that are required of us, have regular meetings with parents and set target/ strategy plans when necessary the views and input from our parents is a big important part when setting target plans, as we want to set targets that are achievable and promote positive outcomes for those involved.

Every family is different and may require that little bit different support, therefore I support and adapt myself around the family and their needs, we offer home visits and do social stories with our children that need to express themselves through play this is at times extended to siblings.

We value all our parents and their views and understand that some parents require parental support and guidance. We offer this in a non-judgemental way and more of a supportive understanding manner as we are aware some conversations can be of a sensitive nature.

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